Parents/ carers information
We recognise the importance of having strong and respectful links with parents and carers. At all of our nurseries we welcome all parents and carers into our settings and understand the importance of us all working together for the best possible start for your child.
The journey starts with you….

Home visits
To start your child’s journey with us we like to visit them in their own environment. This helps your child to settle more easily at nursery as we are visiting the child’s familiar surroundings and it helps with a smooth transition into nursery. We feel this helps us to build good communication and strong relationships with children and yourselves. This also gives you a chance to ask us lots of questions.

At all our nurseries we like to make our mealtimes extremely special and meaningful, giving the children a home from home experience. The children are encouraged to serve themselves when appropriate as well as setting the table. We sit together to develop a sense of belonging. These times offer a special social time for the children to communicate and develop their self-help skills.
Our meals are nutritionally balanced, and all our nurseries are rated 5-star health and hygiene rating. We use freshly sourced local produce as well as growing our own herbs and vegetables.
Our early learning and curriculum is inspired by the Curiosity Approach.
This is a modern-day approach to early childhood. It aims to give children back their freedom by igniting their natural curiosity and imagination. This teaching method allows children to think for themselves make their own choices and direct their own learning. You can find out more here:

Our Prices and help with costs
Under 2s Half Day £30.00
Under 2s Full Day £57.50
Over 2s Half Day £29.50
Over 2s Full Day £54.50
Short Day (6 hours) £35.50
Breakfast £6.50
Extra Hour £6.50
Lunch £6.50
After School £15.00
Holiday Club Half Day £14.00
Holiday Club Full Day £27.00
You may be able to get help with the cost of childcare, you can find more information from the links below:
2-year-olds funding –
15 hours for 3 and 4 year olds –
30 hours 3 and 4 year olds –
We use a system in all our nurseries called iconnect this is a digital learning journey for your child and has many benefits including, 2 way sharing of information and development of your child’s, including home images to nursery. Digital uploads such as video sounds and artwork.
Please click on the links below for more information on each of our nurseries.