Local Services 2 You is a group of community businesses creating success, delivering excellent services and generating opportunities for local people in Deighton, Ashbrow and Huddersfield.

Food and Crisis Support

If you or someone you know needs support then we may be able to help. We have food available for emergencies at the Chestnut Centre in Deighton.

You can also access support and advice from the Welcome Centre and Local Welfare and Provision.

For items for young children, please see more information on our Baby Boutique page.

Please get in touch with us at the Chestnut Centre by either coming in or calling on 01484 516444 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email info@ls2y.co.uk

The Bread and Butter Thing 

The Bread and Butter Thing offers weekly groceries at a fraction of high street prices at our Chestnut
Centre hub at The Chestnut Centre on Friday at 1:30pm. For £8.50 we offer roughly £35 worth of food each week including fresh fruit and veg, chilled food for the fridge and cupboard staples such as pasta and cereal. We get our supplies from the stuff that you hear
about in the news going to waste: it comes from supermarkets, factories and farms. (Prices Subject to Change)