Local Services 2 You is a group of community businesses creating success, delivering excellent services and generating opportunities for local people in Deighton, Ashbrow and Huddersfield.

Huddersfield Community Anchor

Local Services 2 You are proud to be a community anchor for Huddersfield and part of the Kirklees Community Anchor Network. We are here to help make great things happen in our community. We know the value of local community activity and the impact it can have on people and places. Community anchors are here to Support, Connect and Unite:


Community Anchor Support includes training, learning, advice on governance, information about funding, communications expertise or anything which helps community groups work in effective, inclusive and accountable ways. Anchors can help organisations to reach local people as volunteers or those in need of support.

Community Anchors Connect community organisations to other local groups and activities, to buildings, spaces and services such as Social Prescribing or other Health Services. Anchors can also connect to decision-makers including local grant-makers, politicians and Council contacts.

Community Anchors Unite community organisations, bringing people together to share plans and ideas, have a strong voice on community concerns and work together on more ambitious community projects.

If you want to see how we can help, please contact Lisa Newbold – lisanewbold@ls2y.co.uk