Local Services 2 You is a group of community businesses creating success, delivering excellent services and generating opportunities for local people in Deighton, Ashbrow and Huddersfield.

Growing FOCAL

Growing FOCAL is based at FOCAL Community Centre, New Hey Road, Oakes HD3 4DD we meet every Wednesday running from 1pm – 3pm.

Together we manage and maintain a small community growing space, currently we have 5 different vegetables growing in planters, along with a selection of flowers, in the Spring we scattered wildflower seeds.

We are a great team who like to grow and watch the fruits of our labours. We are in the process of developing a growing wall.

For further information ring The Chestnut Centre, 01484 516444 or email chrissie@ls2y.co.uk

WEvolve funding and support provided by the Ward Councillors from the Huddersfield Central & North Place Partnerships.