Every Wednesday 12.45pm – 2.15pm
Wondering how to not feel lonely? Isolated? Bored? Frustrated? Are you Stuck at home? Have nothing to do? Then let’s get together and do just ‘that’ 2gether!
@ The Chestnut Centre, 2a Chestnut Street, Sheepridge HD2 1HJ
Let’s keep ourselves occupied! Bring along unfinished knitting, finish reading that book you never get round to, let’s get creative and get stuck into activities of your choosing, form a friendship, bring along your word search and have a moment whilst the kids play or simply just bring yourself.
Whoever you are and whatever your situation is, we are here and open for your companionship to BEE 2gether.
Families, individuals, young & old are all welcome!
Refreshments will be provided.
Any enquires please contact 01484 516444 or email
WEvolve funding and support provided by the Ward Councillors from the Huddersfield Central & North Place Partnerships’